BOUNTE™ is a cloud-based technology that delivers a convenient, fast and reliable method for returning lost items. Our genius smartphone app uses AI image recognition to identify and log items while an integrated shipping wizard handles the return process and labeling. Using the BOUNTE app takes just seconds!
BOUNTE + BOUNTE Protect™ = A Smarter Lost and Found Software Solution
BOUNTE recently introduced BOUNTE Protect to minimize staff contact with lost property. With BOUNTE Protect, each found item is stored in a barcoded BOUNTE bag and sealed for hygiene and security. BOUNTE and BOUNTE Protect enhance the customer experience and safeguard company brands by making it easy for owners to retrieve lost items. The bags, made in the USA, can be customized with a company’s logo.
Your Brand is Protected with BOUNTE™
BOUNTE™ Customers
Most common items lost while traveling
BOUNTE Delivers 3 Key Benefits

How BOUNTE Works
See BOUNTE in action.
We’re a Modern Lost & Found Technology